
阳阳中文(阅读版)第五册课程 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

中文中级课程,适用于能认读500字以上的9-11岁学生。 学会225个字词,能熟练进行口语表达,能阅读故事书。

Young Chinese-Developing Reading Skills, Level 5

This is a intermediate Chinese language course, which is suitable for 9-11 year-old students. You will learn 225 characters/words, can be skilled in oral expression and can read the story books.

$49.99  $39.99 8 折

如果:two part structure is very logical and concise. Also, is an often used pattern that is utilized in the same way meaning "if, then.." in English.

更:Adverb- more; even more.

敢:adj. not afraid; brave

      v. denotes having the courage to do something.

有名:adj. famous; well-known.

机会:n. chance; opportunity.

尝:v. to try; taste.




Young Chinese Team


taylorzhongnc 开始学习课时 课文1:如果
taylorzhongnc 学完了课时 字词学习
taylorzhongnc 开始学习课时 字词学习