
阳阳中文(高级课程)第七册 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时


Young Chinese (Advance Level) - Level 7

Young Chinese (Advance Level) - Level 7, is suitable for those whose Chinese level meets the requirements of YCT4 or HSK3.


成为 - verb - to be come/ to be, indicatinga change to a certain identity or state  

Sentence - 我的朋友要成为一位老师。

所有 - adjective/noun - refers to: all or everything 

Sentence : 所有的学生在一场活动。

忽然 - adverb - indicates that something happened suddenly

Sentence :她忽然想出来她们有学校。

特点 - noun - unique features or characteristics of a phenomenon, thing, or person.

Sentence - 他的特短是他可以睡很多。

积极 - adjective - refers to:an active,enthusiastic attitude

Sentence - 我朋友在学校非常积极。

得意 - adjective - describes a sense of pride or satisfaction

Sentence :她跟得以因为她考了很好。

加油 - verb phrase - to cheer on or encourage someone。








Young Chinese Team


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