要求" can mean to demand, request, require, or expectation in English. It can function as both a verb and a noun, depending on the context.
Examples of "要求" in Sentences
Making a Request:
- 中文: 我要求他解释清楚。
- 英文: I asked him to explain clearly.
Expressing a Standard:
- 中文: 这个学校对学生的要求很严格。
- 英文: This school has strict requirements for its students.
Meeting Expectations:
- 中文: 她的工作表现达到了老板的要求。
- 英文: Her work performance met the boss's expectations.
Demanding Fairness:
- 中文: 我们要求公平的待遇。
- 英文: We demand fair treatment.
"借" means "to borrow" or "to lend" in English.
"一下儿" is a colloquial term in Mandarin Chinese often translated as "a little," "a short while," "briefly," or "for a moment" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Verb + 一下儿
- Indicates performing the action briefly or casually.
- Example:
中文: 请等一下儿。
英文: Please wait for a moment.
Verb + Object + 一下儿
- Softens the tone of the action.
- Example:
中文: 看一下儿这本书。
英文: Take a quick look at this book.
Subject + Verb + 一下儿
- Describes the subject performing the action briefly.
- Example:
中文: 我试一下儿。
英文: I'll try it for a moment.
Examples of "一下儿" in Sentences
Request or Suggestion:
- 中文: 请帮我看一下儿这个文件。
- 英文: Please help me take a quick look at this document.
Casual Action:
- 中文: 他休息了一下儿,然后继续工作。
- 英文: He rested for a short while and then continued working.
Politeness in a Command:
- 中文: 你介绍一下儿自己吧。
- 英文: Please introduce yourself briefly.
Softening a Statement:
- 中文: 我问一下儿可以吗?
- 英文: Can I ask something briefly?
"注意" means "to pay attention to," "to focus on," or "to take care of" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 注意 + Object
- Indicates the subject should focus on the object.
- Example:
中文: 请注意安全。
英文: Please pay attention to safety.
Subject + 应该/需要 + 注意 + Object
- Suggests that the subject should or needs to pay attention to something.
- Example:
中文: 你应该注意你的语气。
英文: You should pay attention to your tone.
(When giving advice)
- 注意 + Clause/Action
Highlights something that requires attention or caution.
中文: 开车时注意看路。
英文: Pay attention to the road while driving.
- 注意 + Clause/Action
Examples of "注意" in Sentences
Direct Attention:
- 中文: 注意听老师讲课。
- 英文: Pay attention to the teacher's lecture.
Health Advice:
- 中文: 冬天要注意保暖。
- 英文: Be mindful of keeping warm in winter.
- 中文: 请注意,这个房间禁止吸烟。
- 英文: Please note that smoking is prohibited in this room.
Safety Warnings:
- 中文: 过马路时要注意红绿灯。
- 英文: Be careful with the traffic lights when crossing the street.
"清楚" means "clear," "distinct," or "understandable" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 把 + Object + 看/听 + 清楚
- Used to describe seeing or hearing something clearly.
- Example:
中文: 请把字写清楚。
英文: Please write the characters clearly.
Subject + 清楚 + Object
- Describes the subject's understanding of something.
- Example:
中文: 你清楚这个问题的答案吗?
英文: Do you understand the answer to this question clearly?
Subject + Verb + 不 + 清楚
- Indicates the inability to see, hear, or understand clearly.
- Example:
中文: 我听不清楚你在说什么。
英文: I can’t hear clearly what you’re saying.
Subject + 对 + Object + 很清楚
- Expresses familiarity or a clear understanding of something.
- Example:
中文: 他对历史很清楚。
英文: He knows history very well.
Examples of "清楚" in Sentences
Clarity in Understanding:
- 中文: 我不清楚他为什么这么做。
- 英文: I don’t understand why he did that.
Visual Clarity:
- 中文: 你能看清楚远处的那个人吗?
- 英文: Can you see that person clearly in the distance?
Auditory Clarity:
- 中文: 电话里的声音不清楚。
- 英文: The sound on the phone isn’t clear.
Expression Clarity:
- 中文: 他说话总是很清楚。
- 英文: He always speaks very clearly.
"接" means "to receive," "to pick up," or "to connect" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 接 + Object
- Used to describe receiving or picking something/someone up.
- Example:
中文: 我去接孩子放学。
英文: I’m going to pick up the child from school.
Subject + 接 + (Verb Phrase)
- Indicates continuing or taking over an action.
- Example:
中文: 他接着说。
英文: He continued speaking.
Subject + 把 + Object + 接 + Verb Phrase
- Describes actions where the subject connects or receives the object in a specific manner.
- Example:
中文: 他把电话接起来了。
英文: He picked up the phone.
Examples of "接" in Sentences
Receiving Someone:
- 中文: 明天我去机场接你。
- 英文: I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow.
Answering a Phone Call:
- 中文: 她正在接电话。
- 英文: She is answering a phone call.
Continuing an Action:
- 中文: 吃完饭后,我们接着讨论这个问题。
- 英文: After dinner, we’ll continue discussing this issue.
- 中文: 这两条路接在一起了。
- 英文: These two roads are connected.