1. 人们去图书馆做什么?
2. 阳阳在图书馆借了一本什么书回家?
3. 阳阳喜欢看什么中文书?
1. 人们去图书馆做什么?
2. 阳阳在图书馆借了一本什么书回家?
3. 阳阳喜欢看什么中文书?
1. 安静 听不见 里 图书馆 很 声音
2. 报纸 看 杂志 词典 查 字典
3. 需要 你 书 的 找到 图书馆 在 一般
"几乎" in Chinese means "almost" or "nearly."
Indicating a high degree of something:
Expressing an extreme situation:
"一般" in Chinese means "generally," "usually," or "ordinary."
How "一般" is used in sentences:
Expressing a general habit or rule ("usually"/"generally"):
Describing something as average or ordinary ("normal"/"not special"):
Comparing similarity ("similar to..."):
"需要" in Chinese means "to need" or "to require."
How "需要" is used in sentences:
Expressing a necessity ("to need"):
Expressing a requirement for an action ("to have to do something"):
Indicating something is required for a purpose ("to require"):
Talking about personal needs:
Giving advice about something necessary:
Stating a requirement for a process or action:
history--历史; culture--文化
1. 老师要求同学们画什么?
2. 为什么小西画的是蓝色的树叶?
1. 开学 要求 把 校长 我们 告诉了 的
2. 黑板上 把 句子 老师 写在 了
3. 是不是 要求 校长 的 老师 和 有点儿 多
4. 学校 是 今天 开学 日
1. 在中国,今天是学校的开学日,校长说了什么?
2. 老师把要求写在哪里?
A 电子邮件里
B 纸上
C 黑板上
D 没有说
要求" can mean to demand, request, require, or expectation in English. It can function as both a verb and a noun, depending on the context.
Examples of "要求" in Sentences
Making a Request:
Expressing a Standard:
Meeting Expectations:
Demanding Fairness:
"借" means "to borrow" or "to lend" in English.
"一下儿" is a colloquial term in Mandarin Chinese often translated as "a little," "a short while," "briefly," or "for a moment" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Verb + 一下儿
Verb + Object + 一下儿
Subject + Verb + 一下儿
Examples of "一下儿" in Sentences
Request or Suggestion:
Casual Action:
Politeness in a Command:
Softening a Statement:
"注意" means "to pay attention to," "to focus on," or "to take care of" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 注意 + Object
Subject + 应该/需要 + 注意 + Object
(When giving advice)
Examples of "注意" in Sentences
Direct Attention:
Health Advice:
Safety Warnings:
"清楚" means "clear," "distinct," or "understandable" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 把 + Object + 看/听 + 清楚
Subject + 清楚 + Object
Subject + Verb + 不 + 清楚
Subject + 对 + Object + 很清楚
Examples of "清楚" in Sentences
Clarity in Understanding:
Visual Clarity:
Auditory Clarity:
Expression Clarity:
"接" means "to receive," "to pick up," or "to connect" in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 接 + Object
Subject + 接 + (Verb Phrase)
Subject + 把 + Object + 接 + Verb Phrase
Examples of "接" in Sentences
Receiving Someone:
Answering a Phone Call:
Continuing an Action:
I remember you said before:
He has now graduated from elementary school and is in the first grade of junior high school
three years of high school.
You have to take an exam to graduate from junior high school, and only those with good grades can go to high school.
I am planning to study in China in the future!
you will get good grades
It’s the beginning of a new semester again,
We walked into the beautiful .campus
When the first-year students arrive,
The senior students have graduated.
We learn knowledge in the school ,
As long as you work hard from now on,
It will definitely improve our score
The campus is as beautiful as a garden,
We are happy to study here.
In the future when we graduate,
I will never forget the teacher’s help.
将来 (jiānglái)
Meaning: Future or the time yet to come.
Usage: Functions as a noun or adverb to refer to a time in the future.
As a noun (referring to the future):
As an adverb (indicating a time in the future):
将 (jiāng)
Meaning: Will; be about to; indicates future actions.
Usage: Functions as an auxiliary verb or adverb to express actions or events that are expected to happen.”
As an auxiliary verb (indicating future action):
As an adverb (showing intention):
Other meanings (e.g., “to bring” or “to use”):
"提高" means to improve, enhance, increase, or raise in English
As a Verb
To improve or enhance a skill, quality, or level of something.
Improving skills or abilities:
Raising standards or efficiency:
Enhancing understanding or awareness:
As a Noun
Describing improvement:
Highlighting progress:
Sentence Structure
Verb Form:Subject + 提高 + Obect (skill/level/standard)
Example: 我们需要提高团队合作能力。
Translation: We need to improve our teamwork ability.
Noun Form:
Subject + 有/需要 + 提高
Example: 他的汉语水平还有很大的提高空间。
Translation: His Chinese level still has a lot of room for improvement.
"懂" means to understand, comprehend, or know in English。
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 懂 + Object
Subject + 不懂 + Object
Subject + 懂得 + Object
Examples of "懂" in Sentences
Understanding a Language:
Understanding a Concept:
Understanding Feelings:
Learning or Knowledge:
Comparison with Similar Verbs
"努力" means to work hard, make efforts, or put in effort in English.
Common Sentence Structures
Subject + 努力 + Verb/Action
Subject + 很/非常 + 努力
为了 + Goal/Reason + 努力
Examples of "努力" in Sentences
Working Toward a Goal:
Describing a Diligent Person:
Making Efforts in Daily Life:
to give birth;
厌 disgusted
讨厌 、
1. intend
2. plan
突然 + adj. - this is used to describe something suddenly happening
坚持 - to persist in
认为- to think;thoughts;
一共 - adverb;total
停-to stop-verb
检查 - verb;to examine
讨论 - to dicuss;verb
认为 think; thought
noun-request; ask for;demand