
阳阳中文(阅读版)第六册 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

中文中级课程,适用于具备较好中文能力的10-12岁学生。 学会250个字词,中文程度达到YCT4级/HSK3级水平。

Young Chinese-Developing Reading Skills, Level 6

This is a intermediate Chinese language course, which is suitable for 10-12 year-old students. You will learn 250 characters/words, and reach level YCT4/ HSK3.
该课程属于 《阳阳中文》老师体验班


1. 人们去图书馆做什么?

2. 阳阳在图书馆借了一本什么书回家?

3. 阳阳喜欢看什么中文书?



1. 安静    听不见     里   图书馆   很   声音   


2. 报纸   看   杂志   词典   查  字典  

3. 需要   你   书   的     找到    图书馆  在  一般 



"几乎" in Chinese means "almost" or "nearly." 

  • Indicating a high degree of something:

    • Chinese: 这个问题几乎没有人能回答。
    • English: Almost no one can answer this question.
      "几乎" emphasizes that very few or almost no people can answer the question.
  • Expressing an extreme situation:

    • Chinese: 他累得几乎站不起来了。
    • English: He was so tired that he could barely stand up.
      In this case, "几乎" means that he was very close to not being able to stand up.

"一般" in Chinese means "generally," "usually," or "ordinary."

How "一般" is used in sentences:

  1. Expressing a general habit or rule ("usually"/"generally"):

    • Chinese: 我一般七点起床。
    • English: I usually wake up at seven.
      Here, "一般" indicates that waking up at seven is a common habit.
  2. Describing something as average or ordinary ("normal"/"not special"):

    • Chinese: 这家餐厅的味道很一般。
    • English: The food at this restaurant is just average.
      "一般" suggests that the food is not particularly good or bad, just ordinary.
  3. Comparing similarity ("similar to..."):

    • Chinese: 他跑得像风一般快。
    • English: He runs as fast as the wind.
      In this case, "一般" is used to make a comparison, meaning "like" or "as...as."

"需要" in Chinese means "to need" or "to require." 

How "需要" is used in sentences:

  1. Expressing a necessity ("to need"):

    • Chinese: 我需要一杯水。
    • English: I need a glass of water.
      "需要" indicates that the speaker has a necessity for water.
  2. Expressing a requirement for an action ("to have to do something"):

    • Chinese: 你需要早点睡觉。
    • English: You need to go to bed earlier.
      Here, "需要" is used to indicate that going to bed early is necessary.
  3. Indicating something is required for a purpose ("to require"):

    • Chinese: 申请签证需要护照。
    • English: Applying for a visa requires a passport.
      "需要" is used to show that a passport is a necessary requirement for applying for a visa.

Talking about personal needs:

  • Chinese: 我很累,我需要休息。
  • Giving advice about something necessary:

  • Chinese: 你生病了,需要去看医生。
  • Stating a requirement for a process or action:

  • Chinese: 这个工作需要很多经验。

history--历史; culture--文化



1. 老师要求同学们画什么?

2. 为什么小西画的是蓝色的树叶?



1. 开学    要求     把    校长    我们   告诉了  的

2. 黑板上    把   句子    老师    写在   了

3. 是不是   要求    校长   的   老师  和   有点儿  多 

4. 学校   是    今天   开学  日   




1. 在中国,今天是学校的开学日,校长说了什么?

2. 老师把要求写在哪里?

A  电子邮件里

B 纸上

C 黑板上

D  没有说



要求" can mean to demand, request, require, or expectation in English. It can function as both a verb and a noun, depending on the context.

Examples of "要求" in Sentences

  1. Making a Request:

    • 中文: 我要求他解释清楚。
    • 英文: I asked him to explain clearly.
  2. Expressing a Standard:

    • 中文: 这个学校对学生的要求很严格。
    • 英文: This school has strict requirements for its students.
  3. Meeting Expectations:

    • 中文: 她的工作表现达到了老板的要求。
    • 英文: Her work performance met the boss's expectations.
  4. Demanding Fairness:

    • 中文: 我们要求公平的待遇。
    • 英文: We demand fair treatment.

"借" means "to borrow" or "to lend" in English.


 "一下儿" is a colloquial term in Mandarin Chinese often translated as "a little," "a short while," "briefly," or "for a moment" in English.

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Verb + 一下儿

    • Indicates performing the action briefly or casually.
    • Example:
      中文: 请等一下儿。
      英文: Please wait for a moment.
  2. Verb + Object + 一下儿

    • Softens the tone of the action.
    • Example:
      中文: 看一下儿这本书。
      英文: Take a quick look at this book.
  3. Subject + Verb + 一下儿

    • Describes the subject performing the action briefly.
    • Example:
      中文: 我试一下儿。
      英文: I'll try it for a moment.

Examples of "一下儿" in Sentences

  1. Request or Suggestion:

    • 中文: 请帮我看一下儿这个文件。
    • 英文: Please help me take a quick look at this document.
  2. Casual Action:

    • 中文: 他休息了一下儿,然后继续工作。
    • 英文: He rested for a short while and then continued working.
  3. Politeness in a Command:

    • 中文: 你介绍一下儿自己吧。
    • 英文: Please introduce yourself briefly.
  4. Softening a Statement:

    • 中文: 我问一下儿可以吗?
    • 英文: Can I ask something briefly?

"注意" means "to pay attention to," "to focus on," or "to take care of" in English. 

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Subject + 注意 + Object

    • Indicates the subject should focus on the object.
    • Example:
      中文: 请注意安全。
      英文: Please pay attention to safety.
  2. Subject + 应该/需要 + 注意 + Object

    • Suggests that the subject should or needs to pay attention to something.
    • Example:
      中文: 你应该注意你的语气。
      英文: You should pay attention to your tone.
  3. (When giving advice)

    • 注意 + Clause/Action
      Highlights something that requires attention or caution.
      中文: 开车时注意看路。
      英文: Pay attention to the road while driving.

Examples of "注意" in Sentences

  1. Direct Attention:

    • 中文: 注意听老师讲课。
    • 英文: Pay attention to the teacher's lecture.
  2. Health Advice:

    • 中文: 冬天要注意保暖。
    • 英文: Be mindful of keeping warm in winter.
  3. Reminders:

    • 中文: 请注意,这个房间禁止吸烟。
    • 英文: Please note that smoking is prohibited in this room.
  4. Safety Warnings:

    • 中文: 过马路时要注意红绿灯。
    • 英文: Be careful with the traffic lights when crossing the street.

"清楚" means "clear," "distinct," or "understandable" in English.

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Subject + 把 + Object + 看/听 + 清楚

    • Used to describe seeing or hearing something clearly.
    • Example:
      中文: 请把字写清楚。
      英文: Please write the characters clearly.
  2. Subject + 清楚 + Object

    • Describes the subject's understanding of something.
    • Example:
      中文: 你清楚这个问题的答案吗?
      英文: Do you understand the answer to this question clearly?
  3. Subject + Verb + 不 + 清楚

    • Indicates the inability to see, hear, or understand clearly.
    • Example:
      中文: 我听不清楚你在说什么。
      英文: I can’t hear clearly what you’re saying.
  4. Subject + 对 + Object + 很清楚

    • Expresses familiarity or a clear understanding of something.
    • Example:
      中文: 他对历史很清楚。
      英文: He knows history very well.

Examples of "清楚" in Sentences

  1. Clarity in Understanding:

    • 中文: 我不清楚他为什么这么做。
    • 英文: I don’t understand why he did that.
  2. Visual Clarity:

    • 中文: 你能看清楚远处的那个人吗?
    • 英文: Can you see that person clearly in the distance?
  3. Auditory Clarity:

    • 中文: 电话里的声音不清楚。
    • 英文: The sound on the phone isn’t clear.
  4. Expression Clarity:

    • 中文: 他说话总是很清楚。
    • 英文: He always speaks very clearly.

"接" means "to receive," "to pick up," or "to connect" in English.

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Subject + 接 + Object

    • Used to describe receiving or picking something/someone up.
    • Example:
      中文: 我去接孩子放学。
      英文: I’m going to pick up the child from school.
  2. Subject + 接 + (Verb Phrase)

    • Indicates continuing or taking over an action.
    • Example:
      中文: 他接着说。
      英文: He continued speaking.
  3. Subject + 把 + Object + 接 + Verb Phrase

    • Describes actions where the subject connects or receives the object in a specific manner.
    • Example:
      中文: 他把电话接起来了。
      英文: He picked up the phone.

Examples of "接" in Sentences

  1. Receiving Someone:

    • 中文: 明天我去机场接你。
    • 英文: I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow.
  2. Answering a Phone Call:

    • 中文: 她正在接电话。
    • 英文: She is answering a phone call.
  3. Continuing an Action:

    • 中文: 吃完饭后,我们接着讨论这个问题。
    • 英文: After dinner, we’ll continue discussing this issue.
  4. Connecting/Linking:

    • 中文: 这两条路接在一起了。
    • 英文: These two roads are connected.



I remember you said before:

He has now graduated from elementary school and is in the first grade of junior high school

three years of high school.

You have to take an exam to graduate from junior high school, and only those with good grades can go to high school.


I am planning to study in China in the future!

you will get good grades



It’s the beginning of a new semester again, 

We walked into the beautiful .campus 

When the first-year students arrive, 

The senior students have graduated. 

We learn knowledge in the school ,


As long as you work hard from now on,

 It will definitely improve our score 

The campus is as beautiful as a garden, 

We are happy to study here. 

In the future when we graduate, 

I will never forget the teacher’s help.


 将来 (jiānglái)

Meaning: Future or the time yet to come.
Usage: Functions as a noun or adverb to refer to a time in the future.


  1. As a noun (referring to the future):

    • 中文: 我们要为将来做准备。
    • 英文: We need to prepare for the future.
  2. As an adverb (indicating a time in the future):

    • 中文: 将来他会成为一名医生。
    • 英文: In the future, he will become a doctor.

 将 (jiāng)

Meaning: Will; be about to; indicates future actions.
Usage: Functions as an auxiliary verb or adverb to express actions or events that are expected to happen.”


  1. As an auxiliary verb (indicating future action):

    • 中文: 我将去参加会议。
    • 英文: I will attend the meeting.
  2. As an adverb (showing intention):

    • 中文: 他将很快回家。
    • 英文: He will return home soon.
  3. Other meanings (e.g., “to bring” or “to use”):

    • 中文: 请将书放在桌子上。
    • 英文: Please place the book on the table.

"提高" means to improve, enhance, increase, or raise in English

 As a Verb


To improve or enhance a skill, quality, or level of something.


  1. Improving skills or abilities:

    • 中文: 我想提高我的汉语水平。
    • 英文: I want to improve my Chinese proficiency.
  2. Raising standards or efficiency:

    • 中文: 这项技术提高了生产效率。
    • 英文: This technology has improved production efficiency.
  3. Enhancing understanding or awareness:

    • 中文: 这本书帮助我们提高对问题的认识。
    • 英文: This book helps us enhance our understanding of the issue.

As a Noun


  1. Describing improvement:

    • 中文: 学习后,我的成绩有了很大的提高。
    • 英文: After studying, my grades showed significant improvement.
  2. Highlighting progress:

    • 中文: 这次会议的目的是为了提高工作效率。
    • 英文: The purpose of this meeting is to improve work efficiency.

Sentence Structure

  1. Verb Form:Subject + 提高 + Obect (skill/level/standard)

  2. Example: 我们需要提高团队合作能力。
    Translation: We need to improve our teamwork ability.

  3. Noun Form:
    Subject + 有/需要 + 提高
    Example: 他的汉语水平还有很大的提高空间。
    Translation: His Chinese level still has a lot of room for improvement.

"懂" means to understand, comprehend, or know in English。

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Subject + 懂 + Object

    • The subject understands or comprehends something.
    • Example:
      中文: 我懂你的意思。
      英文: I understand what you mean.
  2. Subject + 不懂 + Object

    • Indicates a lack of understanding.
    • Example:
      中文: 我不懂这个问题。
      英文: I don’t understand this question.
  3. Subject + 懂得 + Object

    • "懂得" is a variation of "懂" and often implies deeper understanding or knowledge.
    • Example:
      中文: 她懂得如何照顾孩子。
      英文: She knows how to take care of children.

Examples of "懂" in Sentences

  1. Understanding a Language:

    • 中文: 你懂中文吗?
    • 英文: Do you understand Chinese?
  2. Understanding a Concept:

    • 中文: 这个问题很难,我不太懂。
    • 英文: This question is difficult; I don’t really understand it.
  3. Understanding Feelings:

    • 中文: 他很懂我的感受。
    • 英文: He really understands my feelings.
  4. Learning or Knowledge:

    • 中文: 经过解释,他终于懂了。
    • 英文: After the explanation, he finally understood.

Comparison with Similar Verbs

  • 知道 (zhīdào): Refers to knowing facts or information.
    Example: 我知道他的名字 (I know his name).
  • 理解 (lǐjiě): Refers to understanding concepts or situations on a deeper level.
    Example: 我理解你的处境 (I understand your situation).
  • 明白 (míngbái): Similar to "懂," but often implies clarity or realization.
    Example: 你说得很清楚,我明白了 (You explained it clearly; I understand now).

"努力" means to work hard, make efforts, or put in effort in English.

Common Sentence Structures

  1. Subject + 努力 + Verb/Action

    • The subject makes an effort to do something.
    • Example:
      中文: 他努力学习中文。
      英文: He works hard to study Chinese.
  2. Subject + 很/非常 + 努力

    • Indicates the degree of effort or describes someone as hardworking.
    • Example:
      中文: 她是一个很努力的学生。
      英文: She is a very hardworking student.
  3. 为了 + Goal/Reason + 努力

    • Shows the purpose of the effort.
    • Example:
      中文: 为了通过考试,他每天努力复习。
      英文: To pass the exam, he studies hard every day.

Examples of "努力" in Sentences

  1. Working Toward a Goal:

    • 中文: 我们需要努力完成这个项目。
    • 英文: We need to work hard to complete this project.
  2. Describing a Diligent Person:

    • 中文: 他是个努力工作的人。
    • 英文: He is someone who works hard.
  3. Making Efforts in Daily Life:

    • 中文: 只要努力,就会成功。
    • 英文: As long as you work hard, you will succeed.
  4. Encouragement:

    • 中文: 加油!继续努力!
    • 英文: Keep going! Keep working hard!







to give birth; 



讨厌 、
















  • 1. intend

  • 2. plan



突然 + adj. - this is used to describe something suddenly happening


坚持 - to persist in


认为- to think;thoughts;


一共 - adverb;total


停-to stop-verb


检查 - verb;to examine


讨论 - to dicuss;verb









认为 think; thought







noun-request; ask for;demand






Young Chinese Team


Ms_Cheng 开始学习课时 字词学习
Ms_Cheng 开始学习课时 家庭作业
JaneSun 开始学习课时 整课学习
林老师私教 开始学习课时 课文2:方言